Labor Law

Our firm provides services in the widest sense of both contractual and conflict resolution aspects of labor law, including regulating, developing and conflict management of the relationship between the employee and the employer.
We advise companies on labor law practice in the workplaces including risk analysis in terms of Turkish Labor Law and evaluate the current practice in terms of Turkish Labor Law. In this respect, we determine the compliance of the internal regulations and company policies prepared for the employees of the companies with the Turkish Labor Law and provide support in the determination of the employment policies in order to minimize the problems arising from the Labor Law. In parallel with these services, we also organize trainings to be provided to human resources departments and company executives.
In this context, we provide support in both English and Turkish for the preparation of individual and collective labor agreements and other agreements related to the labor agreements such as non-competition agreement, confidentiality agreement, agreements pertaining to intellectual property rights; subcontracting; temporary employment relationship and the transfer of employees. We also ensure preparation of documents and notifications and warnings that should be kept within the scope of personal file. We support our clients in the proper execution of the procedure for terminating the employment relationship between the employee and the employer and provide advice on labor claims and compensation, premium applications, pensions, benefits and work accidents.
We represent our clients in disputes arising from labor contracts and other areas of labor law, in particular with respect to reemployment lawsuits, workers' rights and receivables; claims for damages arising from work accidents; actions for period of service determination and employment contracts of senior executives.